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Memories and other topics.

Writer's picture: macattackmacattack

Standing desks are cool. Just like bowties, which are cool. Matt Smith was right.

Matt Smith as "The Doctor," wearing a bowtie (as usual)
Matt Smith as "The Doctor," wearing a bowtie (as usual)

Unfortunately, I don’t have a standing desk. And odds are that I won’t have one for a while--It’s a pricy investment. But I’ve concocted an alternative. Behold:

"Standing desk"
"Standing desk"

I call it: who tf (“the fuck,” for the boomers) needs a standing desk that goes up and down on command. (I do, and I will eventually get one, only because it’s the trend… and I sit down too much.) I also stand on my yoga mat when using that laptop when I have no shoes on. I have a very squishy and thick yoga mat. It’s nice. Better than shoes, come to think of it.

We all think that we need the most expensive, premium version of something. It would make us content. But it’s all just human greed.

Human greed can want power. I wonder what America will look like in a month. It will be after the inauguration. Will there be violence? What will happen on Trump’s first day? (I haven’t watched the news in a while—too upsetting.)

I’m not gonna get into political takes on here because honestly, I don’t have the energy. But I’m just as scared as half the country is.



Ncuti Gatwa is alright as the Doctor in Doctor Who. Honestly, I think I just have nostalgia of Matt Smith’s run since the first episode I watched of it on BBC America was with him. I think it was the end of Season 5 or 6 with the Pandorica. (I think it was the episode is called “The Pandorica Opens?" That may be a different one, though.) Objectively, Gatwa’s Doctor is damn good. I think he’s too forcibly emotional most of the time, but that’s a thing Ncuti himself said wouldn’t change, so it’s just his intentional vibe.


I got an A in my SQL and Relational Databases class! Going full-time next term (my online college has two accelerated terms per semester, so two classes is like four).


Final thing on my mind, I found a New York Times note to the editor (I think it’s called) from my 7th/8th Grade English teacher. He was talking about how teaching strict rules of writing in early grades creates good foundations for more creative work in later years. Interesting, I guess. I still do remember his independent clause (IC)/dependent clause (DC)/coordinating conjunction (CC) lesson. For example, the rules in English—if you stay with the conventions and don’t change them to be more creative—are: IC space DC, DC comma IC, and IC comma CC space IC. He was a good teacher.

I also had good teachers at my boarding school for… special youth. Like Professor X’s “School for Gifted Youngsters.” The youngsters in the fictional universe being XMen—aka: humans with the mutant gene and various special powers. Often seen as the “next stage of human evolution.” Stan Lee obviously wanted the children in “special” schools to be recognized in a world where they can escape to and find some kind of strength. Which is nice. I prefer Spiderman in the comics, but in the movies, the XMen are much better imo (boomers: “in my opinion.” Take note.).


I think this blog is just me ranting on about my life. But I think most people’s lives are interesting if written out in the right way. So hopefully this website is interesting at least for people who have known my irl (boomers: last time… “in real life”).

Sign for "Xavier's School" from the movies
Sign for "Xavier's School" from the movies


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