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A new hope: A new blog.

Writer's picture: macattackmacattack

That title is aggravating.

I'm making this blog because I want a hobby on the side of online university.

And also cuz a psychic said I would make a blog someday.

I do not know, like at all, what I'm supposed to post on a blog. I haven't really looked at other blogs, which is a red flag. Like, a red flag for the likelihood of my continued presence on here. Not like a red flag signifying something actually worrying. I'm also writing this directly into the Wix blog editor instead of drafting it on Microsoft Word. Word is better than Google Docs, I think, cuz it's like more official. Also cuz Word isn't imbedded in an internet browser, which is a Doc thing that aggravates me for no reason.

Like the title I guess haha.

:facepalm: god this is so aggravating that I'm actually doing this.

Anyways, I am trying to lengthen this blog, and in the process am thinking about my writing style in the back of my head while writing these words.

I think like a Kurt Vonnegut sort of thing, at least from Slaughterhouse Five (the only book I ever read from him). I also don't read much, which is a really big problem I have. Which is also why I am writing a blog and not a book. I really wonder how those people on MSNBC (which I've stopped watching thank the lord) write these actual books like... maybe it's a fully developed brain thing but I can't imagine just writing a book out of the blue like that. I think in the next year or two once I hit 25 slash 26, I will understand better. I mean, I think I'm on that mental metamorphosis path right now since I'm writing this relatively easily. With thought.


[part of blog post where I'm re-reading what I've written]

This post has some good parts and some uncomfy parts for me to read for little reason I'm aware of. Okay, where's the word count on this thing.

340 words on the dot. Almost a page single spaced. That was easy.

My comfyness with writing is METAMORPHOSIZING. (So 'comfyness' isn't a word but 'metamorphosizing' is?? According to my laptop.)

(Oh, it's 'comfiness' not 'comfyness,' which was my problem.)

AnYwHo, Star Trek is pretty good, no? And that Anthony Rapp of a character who's also in Rent. He's cool, I think?

Angel's death in Rent made me cry.


Oh shit sorry if I spoiled it.


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